Meditation / Perhaps you've vowed to get around to it when you’re less busy, maybe next week, the week after or when the kids graduate from college in 20 years. But really the best time to start meditating (or re-start maybe) is NOW. Here at SbtS we love doing our research and gaining insights where science meets magic! There is now research that proves that meditation is not just a stress reliever but is also kind to your heart, your body and mind. Here are 5 reasons why YOU should start a daily meditation practice today! No more ifs...
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During this crazy time of Covid it's so important to keep up our self-care regimes..Here at Sisters by the Sea we love nothing more than exercising outdoors. You’ve heard it before that exercise in general provides an endorphin release. Well get this, when you exercise outdoors you are provided with an endorphin release like no other! It's like giving your mental health a boost way beyond what you can get from any form of exercise indoors. And thankfully now there are even studies to prove this. Exercising outdoors is like a natural medicine to lift worries, anxieties, help with depression...
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There is a growing body of scientific research proving that yoga, meditation and indeed self-care in general can improve self-esteem, memory, focus, behavior, academic ability and can reduce all sorts of worries and stress in children (and adults). By taking the time to encourage wellness in our young we are subsequently promoting happiness in their lives; filling their cups to the brim with strength, confidence, acceptance, clarity, compassion and inner calm to deal with life and whatever it may throw their way. Our dream at SbtS is to encourage every one of our sisters to; Move ~ Breathe ~ Nourish...
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