During this crazy time of Covid it's so important to keep up our self-care regimes..Here at Sisters by the Sea we love nothing more than exercising outdoors.

You’ve heard it before that exercise in general provides an endorphin release. Well get this, when you exercise outdoors you are provided with an endorphin release like no other! It's like giving your mental health a boost way beyond what you can get from any form of exercise indoors. And thankfully now there are even studies to prove this. Exercising outdoors is like a natural medicine to lift worries, anxieties, help with depression and even boost self-esteem.

Whether it’s a hike through a forest where you feel more connected with Mother Nature or a run along a beach where you hear the waves hit the shore, exercising outdoors has even more benefits than you may have first guessed. Even a short space of time spent in nature can be enough to reduce high blood pressure and lower your heart rate.

There are numerous studies published that confirm that “green exercise” can improve mental well-being and markers of physiological health. For example practicing in your bare feet (known as 'Grounding') improves your heart health! I kid you not! A study found that contact between the earth and the human body keeps your heart healthy by reducing the viscosity of the blood, i.e. thinning the blood. You also get to refill your vitamin D quota.. which is critical for healthier bones and boosting your immune system! Winner winner really especially during times of Covid. 

Other studies suggest that the quality of the green space may also be associated with health as the biodiversity (i.e. range of species of plants that are present in the environment) enhances health benefits. Have you ever come back from a hike and felt the vibrancy from within, you just feel that little bit more brighter eyed and bushy tailed? and the feeling of your dewy skin.. well that’s another post for another time.

So sisters when you get the chance to go for a hike or practice yoga or any form of exercise in nature..take it! It will not disappoint, Go grab your boots or your mat and head for a hike or go to your nearest beach. We can guarantee the benefits are endless.  

Love & Gratitude 

Aisling x

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